
准许的活动包括钓鱼, 非机动车划船, 徒步旅行, 慢跑, 越野滑雪, 穿着雪鞋走, 野餐, 游泳, 教育用途/自然研究, 观鸟及摄影. Other activities may be pre-approved as Permitted Activities on a case-by-case basis.

Please obtain a copy of the 福斯特湖 Usage Request Policy and Form from the 福斯特湖 web page to secure permission at least five working days in advance. 将申请表发邮件至mcmahan@ycdwkj666.com or postal mail to Alfred University 福斯特湖, 1 Saxon Dr, Alfred, NY 14802.


开放时间从黎明到日落后一小时. Only persons participating in a scheduled and approved event may be on the property after closing, 除非之前, 表达, 必须获得福斯特湖管理员的书面许可. 


You must display your AU or 福斯特湖 vehicle pass on your vehicle.



Do not discard paper towels or anything other than toilet paper provided in the toilet; use the waste basket provided. Do not discard food or drink in the bath house waste baskets. 当你离开的时候,把这些东西从房子里拿走.


Lifeguards are on duty (weather permitting) from 11am-7pm daily from mid-May until classes resume in August. Lifeguards will then be on duty Friday afternoons plus Saturday & Sunday 11am-7pm through Columbus Day Weekend when 游泳 ends for the season. 游泳也需要每周进行水质测试. Two lifeguards must be on duty, otherwise no 游泳 is permitted.


Canoes, kayaks, rowboats, paddleboats and sailboats are permitted. No gas-powered watercraft allowed, but low-speed electric trolling motors are permitted. 船必须干净,没有斑马贻贝等. 在水上时必须始终穿着救生衣. Personal boats may be stored at the lake during the summer and must be removed before winter. Any storage of boats is at the owner’s sole risk and must be locked when not in use. 没有保释. 皇冠体育app不对任何盗窃行为负责, 破坏公物, 伤亡, 或任何储存船只的其他损失. Alfred University shall not be responsible for the protection and/or safeguarding of any boats stored. Permission to store a boat may be revoked for violation of the rules. All boats must be removed from the property prior to or on November 1st; if left behind after this date, boats or other watercrafts become the property of Alfred University and may be disposed.


钓鱼是允许的. All NYS Department of Environmental Conservation regulations apply. You must have a valid NYSDEC fishing license on you at all times when fishing in 福斯特湖. Ice fishing is not allowed at 福斯特湖, nor is walking on the ice at any time. 任何时候都禁止在游泳区钓鱼.


Only 徒步旅行 is allowed on the 徒步旅行 trail encompassing 福斯特湖. Horses and motorized vehicles are not allowed due to their impact on trail erosion and degradation, 还有水质.

Please use firewood from local distributors, or dead or downed branches on site. There is currently a warning regarding the transportation of campfire wood as issued by the NYS DEC. 不要砍伐、破坏或毁坏任何树木.
A new regulation is now in effect that prohibits the import of firewood into New York unless it has been heat treated to kill pests. The regulation also limits the transportation of untreated firewood to less than 50 miles from its source.
通过运送柴火, you could be spreading diseases and invasive insects that can quickly kill large numbers of trees. 帮助阻止蔓延并遵守柴火条例:

It is best to leave all firewood at home - please do not bring it to campgrounds or parks.

Get your firewood at the campground or from a local vendor - ask for a receipt or label that has the firewood's local source.

*It must have a receipt or label that has the firewood's source and it must remain within 50 miles of that source.
*未购买的薪柴(i.e. cut from your own property) you must have a Self-Issued Certificate of Source (pdf, 100kb), 而且产地必须在目的地50英里以内.
*Only firewood labeled as meeting New York's heat treatment standards to kill pests (kiln-dried) may be transported into the 状态 and further than 50 miles from the firewood's source.
*For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions for 柴火 Regulation. 有关本规例的其他问题, please call this toll-free number: 1-866-640-0652 or e-mail: firewood@gw.12月.状态.ny.us.


如果福斯特湖经理,公共安全官员,EH&年代的人员, 物业管理员, or a lifeguard deems that conduct of any user violates the rules, 是否会干扰他人/不合适, 或表现出不适当的风险或危险, the safety representative has the authority to ask users to cease such conduct and/or leave the premises immediately. Illegal or inappropriate behavior may result in the local authorities being notified.


Absolutely no alcohol or illegal drugs will be permitted on the property.


Any abuse or destruction of property or failure to follow rules, policies and/or requirements may result in loss of privilege and/or referral to the University’s judicial system (for student pass holders). 虽然预计不会改变规则, 规则可能会改变, 如果规则有任何变化,我们会通知你的.



Pavilion use may be reserved in advance; when not reserved, 展馆以先到先得的方式开放. 呼叫 607-871-2154 了解更多信息.

只允许在指定区域停车. The ground is soft, and you may become stuck if you drive off the driveway or parking area. If the parking lot is full, park your vehicle on the 福斯特湖 side of 湖 Road and walk in.


All parties must remove all garbage and leave the area as it was found.

Dogs are permitted but must be leashed and under the control of the owner at all times.